Meet Mary Scott: The Gatekeeper

Mary Scott is raw, honest, and direct with why she empowers women. She gives practical ways to live holistically spiritually, emotionally and physically. Don’t miss this journey that she takes you through her vision of what a meaningful brand looks like. Women are the gatekeepers…

1. Tell us about the mission of your brand- how does it empower women?

After my mom passed away when I was 17 due to environmentally caused disease and other issues, it set me on a journey of discovering all that we are facing as women today in our culture. I spent hours in the grocery store reading labels and looking into quality whole foods, but it never crossed my brain that I would have to worry about dyes and fragrances in both my clothing and personal care products. 

When my friend introduced me to Beautycounter, my world was opened to another level of awareness of all that was against us in our culture due to increased exposure of toxins. I realized that we were in the modern age of toxic overload and it began to change my life. 

My brand promotes Whole(istic) Living. I believe in body, soul and spirit living. We can’t address the body without addressing all that is also happening on a soul and spirit level. My goal as an influencer is simply to be a girlfriend who shares her journey of nontoxic living and holds your hand through your own journey.

I believe women are the gatekeepers to their home and it is my mission to empower other women to make more educated and wise choices to what they allow not only into their homes or their bodies, but also their souls. 

2. What is the biggest challenge you’ve had to press through as a female entrepreneur? What are the steps you had to take to overcome it?

I think for me it has been attempting to be all things to all people. I was working 3 jobs at once trying to make everything happen and it just lead to constant stress and overwhelm. Adapting a time blocking schedule and coming up with strict personal boundaries (flexing my “no” muscles), has been a way I have been trying to alleviate the pain but it has gotten better and better with time!

3. What sets your brand apart from others?

Because I have a holistic approach to every area of my life, people can see the authenticity of my brand because I care about the entire person, not just one part. My brand first and foremost is there for education sake, and I think my audience has really started to look at me more like an educator than an influencer. 

4. How do you collaborate with others working towards a better world?

Through empowering other women to make better, more educated choices in their life, it creates a domino effect. If we all made a change today, it would not only effect our family’s for generations but also the world. 

5. What advice would you give to female entrepreneurs in the beginning stages of launching their brand or business?

Keep Showing Up. Don’t apologize for who you are or what gives you passion. And be CONFIDENT!


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