Meet Alex: All About the Balance
In my conversation with Alex, I learned to so much about what it means to constantly evolve into who you are as a woman. She is real, honest, and helping others accomplish health goals in a balanced way! Read more for her insight on what it means to be a health and wellness female entrepreneur!
Can you share a little of your journey with us and who you are?
My name is Alex, and I am from Philadelphia. I went to school at Tulane in New Orleans. I grew up with two brothers and my dad- so I grew up super active and we ate a lot (LOL)! My whole life I’ve been into fitness and food- it’s taken different variations over the years, but in college is when I really started to work out. I really struggled to find that balance between working out and eating healthy- the pressure of being thin was really tough. I used to go to the gym for two hours and get super lean- I struggled to figure out what that meant to have a balance.
This past year I had three weddings that I was in- when January hit, I wasn’t feeling great, and I wasn’t seeing results. I also decided I should stop going to classes multiple times a week because of how much it was costing. I kept seeing a Soulcyle instructor post her workouts on instagram- she shared her journey with me and her plan.
The number on the scale is not what’s important- I wanted to feel my best. So I signed up for this girl’s program- yoga, pilates, cardio, weights, and I also signed up for the nutrition plan. I lost 7 pounds in 21 days and I FELT amazing- the greatest part about the program is you are not depriving yourself- based on your weight, you get a certain amount of food every single day with the correct portion size. In college, I also had terrible stomach pains that were debilitating. Because I was eating every 2-3 hours with this program with probiotics superfoods etc, I don’t ever get my stomach problems. The coach then asked me if I would ever be interested to be a coach on her team because I was so active in the accountability group- you can do this on the side- it’s whatever you want to do!
I signed up and I did nothing with it. It was the scariest thing to me to post on social media. I just went for it with the encouragement of my coach- it’s been a whirlwind ever since. I made my separate Instagram account for it in 2019. I work in fashion full time but it has been nice to come home and do this passion project by helping people with their fitness and health goals. It’s a lot extra work but when I get a text from one of my clients about how much weight they have lost or the workout they did that I posted, I am reminded of why I do what I do!
2. Tell us about the mission of your brand- how does it empower women?
The mission is really two parts: 1) Personal Development: everyday I listen to a personal development podcast or book like You are a Badass or Girl Wash Your Face. This is so that I am constantly motivating myself so that I am the best I can be. 2) Helping Others’ Personal Development: We push each other to reach our fitness and health goals. It’s all mental work that results in physical execution. It's about helping others feel good about themselves which you can’t do it you don’t pour into yourself.
We also give each other an accountability group- you get to be with 100s of others who are sharing their stories and showing up for each other. That community plugs you into a group that motivates you to get your workouts done and keep going! As a coach, I also get to learn from my coach- our coaches are ready to give us their tips, knowledge, and training so that we can help more people. It’s this mentality that we are all in this together! It has also exposed me to meeting other coaches over social media who are always willing to help- it’s not competitive!
3. What is the biggest challenge you’ve had to press through as a female entrepreneur? What are the steps you had to take to overcome it?
My biggest obstacle is my own fear of posting on social media and being open. As a health and fitness coach, you are putting out there how your body looks and drawing attention to it. I did that on my personal instagram for 6-7 months. Many people say fear is the biggest thing that holds them back- the personal development podcasts and books have really helped with that. My coaches encouraging me and telling me they have by back made me more and more comfortable as time has gone on! People that I wouldn’t even expect support from freely hand it out. I do get a lot of no’s but people remind me to keep doing what I am doing. My own fear is something I have to work through every day- the more I let fear get in the way, the less people I’m going to help.
4. What sets your brand apart from others?
To be honest, this is something I am still working on. A lot of coaches that I’ve seen are stay at home moms or teachers or new moms so that’s one market audience that is amazing, but I have a full time job in fashion, incredibly social, making time for myself and dating in NYC so it’s different for me. I am figuring out balance while having a meaningful career! This side hustle gives me my passion project- maybe your career isn’t your passion but you can find something that is on the side while still maintaining other aspects of your life!
5. How do you collaborate with others working towards a better world?
I would say that with my coaching business we get to experience guest speakers who share their stories with us. After we hear the guest speaker, we have 20 minutes to check in with our team to see how everyone is doing. I also run my challenge group with 3 other coaches and we text everyday- including everything from liking each others photos to sharing advice. I love that we collaborate in that way both in business and in our personal lives as well as giving emotional support.
6. What advice would you give to female entrepreneurs in the beginning stages of launching their brand or business?
Just go for it! Try your best to not let fear hold you back- that is the most limiting belief. Surround yourself with people who will support you- find your tribe and find people that will lift you up and support you! Find your why- why are you doing this? What are the pillars of your brand? If you don’t have a strong why, it will fall apart. Also, be patient. Especially these days- everyone is doing an instagram page with a side hustle so put in the work and be patient with your growth!
7. Anything else you want to share with our readers?
If anyone is feeling stuck with your health and fitness journey, I have been there and can relate- that is normal. If you need an accountability group- don’t hesitate to reach out! I am always taking new challengers- we have all been there and get it free of judgement!
Instagram: @balancebybarron