How to Handle No on a Salescall
Another client that didn’t sign with you…
You just can’t seem to get over the hump of closing sales again
You used to be getting all the leads in the world
Some of them stopped at purchasing your low ticket offer
Others still haven’t purchased from you
You’re starting to get impatient
You starting to wonder if your funnel just isn’t set up correctly to drive sales
So you head back to your 9-5
Or you just settle for those 2k or less months
You tell yourself- “I’m doing everything I can…” but are you?
I believe these pauses happen in our business when we are about to have explosive growth
Or we are meant to pause or rest or reflect or restructure
How can you embrace that while also recognizing you might need a new strategy?
Look for patterns in your business and ask yourself:
Where am I growing? Where am I stalled? Why is that?
How close or far away am I from my goal? Why or why not?
If you can’t answer the why, then you need someone to look at the inside of your business- when you allow someone in, they can see the blind spots you might be missing
After all, you only want people to sign with you that actually want to work with you
But what if they aren’t signing with you because they don’t see the value through your sales copy?
What if because you’ve become so frustrated by the “no’s”, it’s stifling your ability to say yes to help and get SUPER CLEAR on what you want to ACTUALLY SELL and WHY
NOT what you’re supposed to sell because that’s what you’ve always sold…it’s time to sell what you dream of selling instead
I’ve been in your shoes where I just couldn’t put my finger on what was missing…
So let me tell you that your time without as many clients as you wanted HAS NOT BEEN WASTED
It is purposeful.
The No you received is a victory because it is lighting your path to bigger and better things…
more importantly it has GROWN your awareness to take the first next step you know you need to take
Let’s take that first step together RIGHT NOW to celebrate your no’s as an opportunity to find your ideal clients that are meant for you- to say yes!
And you won’t miss them this time around with aligned marketing and sales funnels
Find out how you can reach them specifc to your business inside my $0 Sell What You Love Session!