Meet Meg: One for Women

“Expect everyone not to like you as an entrepreneur. Women in business should be the norm and not a novelty.” These are just a few keys of wisdom from Meg with One for Women- she is raw, honest, and giving back in every way others. Read her interview and be prepared to take action with her words!

1.     Can you share a little of your journey with us and who you are?


I never saw myself as an entrepreneur; instead, I thought the stable, straight and narrow path was perfect for me – I’m not a big risk taker and I didn’t think I was that girl who colors outside the lines. It wasn’t until I was in my last position that I started to question who I really was. While I was doing work I liked, I constantly found myself frustrated with corporate culture – I sought mentorship, advancement and challenging work and often bumped up against rules and protocol and bias. When I returned from my maternity leave to find that my job was changing because of larger corporate reorganization, I knew my time had come. With not much in savings and no plan, I put in my notice and prepared for uncertainty. Looking back, while it may seem to others that this was a difficult decision, it was the easiest one I’ve ever made. The new role I was being asked to take on did not align with my career goals, and I knew that this was perhaps my one and only chance to do something bold and follow my dreams. Even though I didn’t know what my dreams were at that moment, I knew that I was more valuable than the work I was doing and that I needed to have a bigger impact in this world.


My last day in the corporate world was on a Friday and I incorporated my company two days later. It was a new idea, one that had come to me between putting in my notice and walking out my office door, but I knew in my heart that it was the right one. I wanted to create a company that recognizes, values and supports women who are doing incredible things, and I wanted to give back to non-profit organizations that support women because I believe it is imperative that those of us with voices and power seek to lift up those without. I believe that a rising tide lifts all boats and I dream of the day when “women in business” is not a novelty but a very normal reality.


I started One For Women with my mom, Heidi, who is an elementary school teacher by day. She has always been a strong and determined woman, but had to put her dreams on hold to raise me as a single mother. Starting this company with her is the ultimate way for me to give back to her for what she has done for me. Her creativity, humor and enthusiasm, play a big role in how we shape this company and the gift sets that we offer.

2. Tell us about the mission of your brand- how does it empower women?


One For Women is on a mission to empower and connect women through easier and more impactful gift giving. Our curated gift sets, designed for the “everyday” moments in life, feature products from women makers and a portion of our proceeds go back to non-profit organizations that support women and girls. Every gift set sold impacts our customers, their recipients, women makers and women’s non-profits. Our philosophy is simple: one small gesture can have one big impact. 


3.     What is the biggest challenge you’ve had to press through as a female entrepreneur? What are the steps you had to take to overcome it?


When I first started One For Women, my struggles were typical - having to make a lot of decisions in a short amount of time on anything ranging from legal structure of the company to logo design to which products to stock. Once we launched, I learned firsthand the pressures of putting something out into the world and the anxiety and self-doubt that sets in when you don't hit your sales goal or get a bad review. Don't be an entrepreneur if you want everyone to like you - because they won't. The trick is to have faith in what you are doing, listen to your true customers and believe in yourself enough to keep pushing forward.


One of the biggest (and unexpected) challenges that I have faced as an entrepreneur is loneliness. I actually did prepare for most of the other challenges I faced, but loneliness is one I never saw coming. Going from a corporate environment where you have a team and co-workers and constant interaction, to an environment where you may be the only person in your office or working on a remote team, hits you like a brick in the face. There is no one to laugh with, no one to cry with, no one to run decisions by. You have to learn (and learn quick) how to build up a support system to lean on - and not just of your friends and family, but of people who actually know what you are going through because they've been there too. It is very easy to lose yourself in self-doubt and depression as an entrepreneur, so learning to recognize the warning signs, being in touch with where you're at emotionally and building in opportunities to ensure you are not always feeling alone, is critical.


4. What sets your brand apart from others?


While there are many great gift companies out there, we are truly different because of our mission. We not only think about putting together a great gift, but about the products that go into that gift set, and the experience our customers and recipients go through once they receive their gift set. In line with our mission, we focus on sharing the stories of the women makers behind our products, so that we can play a small role in building their companies as well. We also want to connect women with each other - we believe that connection is even more critical in these troubling times and want to offer women (and men!) a way to reach out and show they care. We focus on the "surprise and delight" factor - sending someone a small gesture when they need it the most, to say "I wish I could be there with you."


I am most proud of the community we have built. Although small, we are mighty, and consist of our customers, our women makers, our non-profit partners and other female entrepreneurs who support and believe in our mission. We are more than just a gift company - we are a community built on love and connection and a belief that women supporting women will make this world a better place.


5. How do you collaborate with others working towards a better world?


At One For Women we eat, breathe and sleep connection and collaboration. Between building a community of our customers and recipients and listening to what they’re passionate about, to supporting and promoting our women makers to spread the word about their products, to giving back to our non-profit partners so they can turn around and help the next generation of women, collaboration is what we do. Not a day goes by that we’re not thinking about more ways that we can collaborate with others to expand our reach and impact and raise up more women.

6. What advice would you give to female entrepreneurs in the beginning stages of launching their brand or business?


I now find myself as the entrepreneur that I never thought I would be. As it turns out, I am a risk taker and I do like to color outside the lines. I was a rebel in disguise and I didn’t know it. But more importantly, I am a passionate, compassionate and strong woman who found the bravery inside herself to stand up when her value wasn’t being respected and found a way to build something that makes a difference. In addition to running my company I now work with women who want to leave their 9-5s and one of the biggest reasons for not taking their own leaps is fear of failure. I get that, because I’ve been there, and I still am there. But one thing I know that those women don’t yet, is the rush of waking up every day knowing that you are in full control of your destiny and of what you put out into the world. As a woman, a feminist, a mother and a friend, I am directing my own path and finally get to use my powers for good. I am building a life that I love, but more importantly, one that I am proud of. I am often asked if I miss the security of the corporate world, or if I ever regret my decision. I have never looked back. Not once. Even if my current company fails, I have unleashed in me a power and a bravery that I never knew I had, and that is what I hope for all the women who are stuck in soul-sucking jobs but afraid to chase their dreams. My advice to those women, and what I tell myself every time I start to feel scared, are the classic words of Christopher Robin: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”


7. Anything else you want to share with our readers?


We have a lot of exciting things coming up for 2019! We’ll be launching our podcast, creating an online marketplace to buy more fabulous products from women makers outside of our gift sets, and rolling out a very cool intimate, in-person experience to help women connect with and support each other. Sign up for our email list here to find out more! 




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